About Meat Traders Association Gauteng

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The Meat Traders Association Gauteng is the only employer’s organisation representing the majority of employers within the Retail Meat Trade. The Association was formed in the late 1940’s being a party to the then Industrial Council for the Retail Meat Trade in Gauteng. The Meat Traders Association Gauteng is affiliated to the National Federation of Meat Traders which is the only recognized National organisation representative of all role-players in this particular sector of the Meat Industry in South Africa. The Meat Traders Association Gauteng represents the interests of independent retailers’ opinions in both the established and the emergent sector as well as independent supermarkets and national chain stores. As the Federation represents the interests of the distributive Meat Industry on a national level, recognised by role players within the Industry from feedlots to the consumer, the Federation plays an important role and has a voice in the decision making processes within the Industry. Through this body, the Association is kept abreast of all developments within the food chain, from new legislation and regulation introduced by Government to fostering or stimulating demand for meat, offal and meat products to benefit our members within the Meat Trade. The Meat Traders Association represents employers at the National Federation of Meat Traders as well as representing employers in all Labour Disputes at the Bargaining Council for Meat Trade Gauteng and CCMA as well as employer queries pertaining to labour matters within the jurisdiction of the Bargaining Council for Meat Trade Gauteng.
As the only registered employer’s organisation affiliated to the Bargaining Council for Meat Trade Gauteng, we are the only voice representing employers within the Industry in all matters and negotiations pertaining to the Main Collective Agreement of the Bargaining Council for Meat Trade Gauteng i.e.

  • Negotiations on prescribed minimum wages
  • To negotiate social benefit funds for the Industry e.g. retirement, medical aid and funeral funds
  • Minimum employment standards
